Illumination Entertainment Fanon Wiki

Minionese (a.k.a Minion's language) is the minions spoken language. It includes words from many different languages. Some examples of this are: Kampai! ("cheers" in Japanese), Para Tu ("for you" in Spanish and other languages. For some more notable words in minionese, read this Dictionary.


  • The minions can repeat famous lines, quotes, and phrases in Anime, TV Shows, Movies, etc. from native languages from characters or countries they take place in. {Examples: Harasho [Хорошо] (Meaning good or okay in Russian) - Eli Ayase (Love Live) EDO EINAI SPARTI! [ΕΔΩ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΠΑΡΤΗ!] (Meaning THIS IS SPARTA! in Greek) - 300}